Lili Boulanger in Her Own Right

Lili Boulanger in Her Own Right

Author’s note: this article is based on a Composer of the Week programme I scripted and presented for New Zealand National Radio’s Concert-FM. Embedded are links to various works of Lili Boulanger posted on YouTube for the reader’s listening and enjoyment. Saturday, July the fifth, 1913. In the great meeting hall of the Institut de…
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Musings on Le Sacre’s 100th Birthday

Musings on Le Sacre’s 100th Birthday

Everything about Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring is eternally fresh, and re-invigorating with each repeated listening, just like the birth of the season it purports to celebrate. But of one thing I am completely fed up with – the sanctification of its raucous premiere.  Here’s the thing about the events of history: they are messy and…
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