A video installment in my daily series of tips. Please follow me on Twitter for the Orchestration Online Tip of the Day at @OrchestrationOL, or join the Orchestration Online Facebook group for feedback, resources, and advice.
Score-read the following works, transposing horn and trumpet parts:
Beethoven Symphony No. 5, Movt. II
Haydn Symphony No. 100, Movts I & IV
Mozart Symphony No. 39, Movt. 1
Beethoven Symphony No. 6, complete (especially Movt. 5)
…and for a bonus, also try the very fun Haydn Symphony No. 22, “The Philosopher”
All scores available on IMSLP.org, with corresponding performances on YouTube.
Tips of the Day for this week:
Monday, January 21: Optimum Range for Stopped Horn
Tuesday, January 22: Stopped Horn vs. Muted Horn
Wednesday, January 23: Rehabilitation of the “Horn Pad”
Thursday, January 24: Sing Through Your Horn Parts
Friday, January 25: Slurring Up vs. Slurring Down on Horn
Saturday, January 26: Preference Against Key Signatures in Horn and Trumpet